Braids for short and medium hair

Hey there birdies! A couple of weeks ago I chopped my hair off and went with a straight blunt cut that is probably half of what my hair used to be, so I am back to medium length. Besides not regreting this at all, I am even thinking of going shorter soon, just because even when I had long hair, I never did anything with it.

Now that my hair has gotten easier to manage, I find myself doing a lot of braided hairstyles, especially on the day that I am supposed to wash it. I made a Pinterest inspiration board for medium/short hairstyles that you can rock even with a bob cut, and I picked out some of the braids to show you today!

short hairstyle braid

braids for short hair

This is how short I want to go!

hairstyles for shoulder length hair

Waterfall braids are an even better option for shorter hair, as you don’t need to worry about not having enough to go back!

I also wanted to let you girls know that I made a new Instagram account, just for the blog! The old one had gotten too personal, but on this new page I will be posting only product pictures and swatches and makeup looks. Hope you get the chance to drop by!

I changed the name to my old account and gave this new account my old name (if that makes any sense) so :

@cateyesredlips = new blog account

@mariabirs = former cateyesredlips,

keeping it as my personal account.

new instagram account

Hope to see you guys there !

Have a beautiful week ❤ Xx

56 responses to “Braids for short and medium hair

  1. Oh i love seeing inspiration for short hair! envy people who can just pop their unwashed hair up and get away with it! Mine simple just still looks unwashed haha! xxx


  2. I love these pictures! I have shorter hair now too and doing braids is such a great idea! 🙂 I understand about your instagram account. Mine right now is like person mixed with beauty stuff lol. I’ve thought about doing a separate beauty one but not sure yet. So I understand where you’re coming from. ❤ I hope you have a great day gorgeous! xoxo


  3. Pingback: 35 New Cute Short Hairstyles for Women | Hairstyles & Haircuts 2014 - 2015·

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