Dermalogica Age Smart line review

dermalogica age smart line

Hello dolls, today we’re talking about the Age Smart line from Dermalogica.

I’ve noticed a few of you have already tried a product or two from what I’m preaching about today, so I decided to tell you all about  my experience with this company.

I had the chance to try out Dermalogica Age Smart Cleanser, Hydramist and Skin Recovery with SPF systems and I am most thrilled about this line!

I know I get super excited about a lot of stuff but this company is truly amazing! I must admit, what first attracted me to it was the fact that it’s developed by The International Dermal Institute, so I was expecting a lot of them from the start.

The Age Smart collection I’m using is not (only) for mature women, just to get that clear 😀 It’s a complex that helps prevent skin aging, I’m 22 now but at 25 your skin starts needing age repair anyway so I figured it’s better to be safe from a young age.

Dermalogica cleanser

The Resurfacing Cleanser is also an exfoliating cream, but it’a a soft one, no scratchy particles in it. It scrubs perfectly though: as you can remember I had a spray tan on both my body and face, I tried a normal body scrub to get rid of it and for my face I only used this cleanser. Needless to say, my face got scrubbed up much faster and easier than the rest of my body, where I couldn’t get the tan off. I do look a little creepy right now, but I think I’ll use the cleanser on my whole body just to get rid of the dark tan that remained.

On the site, Dermalogica mentions this Resurfacing Cleanser retexturizes, leaving skin super smooth, helps accelerate cell turnover, hydrate and brighten and I can confirm for all of these benefits. I have been using it 3 times a day 🙂

You can check it out on the  Dermalogica site.

dermalogica hydramist

This Hydramist is the coolest thing ever, not just because of all the hydration, but it’s a spray that you can use on top of your makeup as well as after cleansing. I do both things and I keep it in my purse to use when I need a fresh boost.

It gives you a fresh feeling throughout the day, check it out here 😀

Dermalogica spf cream

The last product I have from them is this moisturizing SPF 30 lotion which you can check out here.

The best thing about it is that you only have to use a bit of it and it goes a long way, so although it’s more expensive than the others I’ve showed you, it will last for a long time.

I apply this after a good face cleansing and I recommend you do so too if you decide to try it, if your skin is already oily it will get even more so.

All in all, I like the quality and clean smell of the Dermalogica products, at first they seemed to me similar to medicine smell a bit but I don’t mind that 😀

As for the price, you can get the smaller sizes and you’ll find them for 10$ or a bit over, which is great, as they will last you quite a bit even in those small amounts.

I hope this is helpful to you!

Have a lovely evening, xoxo

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