False nails, false eyelashes, ah, the plastic life…


Hello dears, I’m here for a quickie post today sorry for not being present this week, but I will be more active from now on. Just not this weekend… πŸ˜€

I got myself some mint on the lids as I haven’t used this lovely colour in a while now and I am still loving it.


Friday I was talking about getting stiletto nails, well, the universe was not pleased with my idea so it fixed my nails another way…at least now I don’t have to worry about how I’ll wipe my butt πŸ˜€


This is what I ended up with, as the nice lady who did my nails told me she can’t do stiletto only after gluing the nail tips on, even though I asked her a few days before and she said that it’s no problem. I am still so sad about them 😦 I got them simple french so they would be good to go in any situation. She also filed the skin around them ’till it bled, boy was I lucky that day ❀

Aside from my nail experience, I’m getting away for the weekend and was so happy to recently see a few makeup travel bag posts you guys did, right on time. You never fail me even when the outer internet world does, love you so.

I have not yet deided what I’ll take with me, but I will do a post when packing just for fun. I shouldn’t need anything fancy, I’m going to take the exchange students in the mountains, visiting the famous Dracula’s castle and a couple of other places that are in no high heel lands.

What are you doing this weekend, anything worth planning?

Have a great day loves, take care ❀



38 responses to “False nails, false eyelashes, ah, the plastic life…

  1. Oh the Dracula thing. Such beautiful country there. My wife gets the same cuts on her fingers, how painful they are when you get something on them afterward. The things you ladies endure for yourselves and your man. Have a dandy trip! πŸ˜‰


  2. That mint eye shadow is lovely, and your nails turned out nice! That’s too bad about the cuts, that lady went crazy with her file, huh?


  3. Poor girl, I guess doing your nails wasn’t your destiny this time πŸ˜› You look gorgeous with that eyeshadow! I wish you a fun weekend and hopefully we can get a sneak peek as well πŸ˜‰ xxx


    • Thank you so much! ❀ I may post a few pics πŸ˜€ I hope you are well and pleased with your new work! Is everything going good?


      • Everything is going smooth (except for the main fridge that broke down this weekend and we had to move around the stuff few times cause the secondary fridge at the back didn’t work too well either hahha) and today I even got an afternoon off so we’re going to the right direction πŸ™‚ Thanks for asking hun ❀


      • So glad to hear it! πŸ˜€ and can’t wait to have you back when everything settles. Hope you fix your fridge soon hehe


  4. Loving that mint shadow! Dracula’s castle sounds amazing! Aw that sucks that you didn’t have a good nail experience. Part of the reason why I just like to do mine at home.


    • I’m also thinking about gettint a good gel nail kit so I can do my own, but I don’t wear gel nails that often so I don’t know if it’s worth the investment. πŸ˜€


      • Yeah they have those DIY kits with the uv curing light. The definitely look interesting!


    • Just saw your shopping post πŸ˜€ lovely ❀ I didn't like them much either, I wanted stiletto, but what can I do now? hehe πŸ˜€


  5. Hey, you could post something about the Castle Dracula. I would be interested. BTW, sorry about the nail situation. Looking Great as always. Keep it coming beautiful!


    • Thank you so much πŸ˜€ I had to take the nails off sadly, but I can do a mini trip post, I go there like 4 times every year haha. Thanks for your support, much appreciated πŸ˜€


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