Monster High Skelita makeup look

Hello loves, good to be back!

How do you live dolls feel about…well, you know, toy dolls? I remember how much I love them every time I see one in the store or anywhere else, and I also remember I always wanted a huuuuuge doll house (that I never had) to shelter all my dolls and they can all be sisters and… ok, I’ll stop πŸ˜€

If you guys remember, I shared a video some time ago of a lovely little girl singing her soul out on a song she composed by herself about being bullied at school. Naturally I subscribed to her and today I was on youtube and saw another one of her videos for a doll review. How sweet is that? Off topic that made my heart shiver, thinking of these children who play with toys get treated brutally by other children who are probably playing with toys too.

To get back on track, I watched the video review and I remembered again how lovely it feels to hold a doll in your hands and be fascinated of her hair, her makeup and all the other beautiful things. One of the dolls little Fraier was talking about is named Skelita (she’s a skeleton from the Monster High Collection, hihi) and I googled a few more pictures. I think the whole doll collection is so cute and although it might seem “too mainstream” with all the TV series and recent movies involving supernatural creatures, I think it teaches kids to be less afraid of “monsters”.

I will probably do more of their looks, but today I settled for Skelita‘s vivid colours and detailed makeup.

monster high skelita makeup

I didn’t go with the baby blue on the lower lid because I wanted the flowers to stand out more, in some pictures of her you can’t even see them properly, and it’s such a shame because it’s an adorable little detail πŸ˜€

monster high skelita makeup look

I think this would be a great halloween makeup look for our girls, but I should warn you the detailing takes a pretty long time to do. But I had fun doing it! πŸ˜€

Besides all the dots and swirls and the flowers, there’s not much to say about makeup, I just put on foundation and a little powder where I could, because I forgot to do it before drawing everything on, like any brain containing human would do.

In case you missed it the first time, here’s Fraier’s song again to make your estrogen rise and make you want to have a little bundle of joy to protect.

How do you feel about dolls? Do you still have yours from when you were little? πŸ˜€

52 responses to “Monster High Skelita makeup look

  1. The little girl and the song are both absolutely beautiful ❀

    Sure I'll do this look for Halloween…..if you will come and do my make up!!! hahhahha That's an awesome look and proves again how talented you are in make up *_* I can't wait to see others as well!

    Yes I still have my dolls and I got plenty of new ones too when I was about 19 πŸ˜€ I've always loved dolls and barbies a lot πŸ™‚ xxx


  2. You look so sweet! You already are pretty doll-like in real life, but this make-up has got you on a whole new level! ❀


    • Oh thank you so so much haha πŸ˜€ I like these dolls! I remember you use to have more than any of us when we were little


  3. I literally just went β€˜Woah’ out loud, that is unreal!! You really are such an artist!


  4. My daughter collects these dolls. She would love if I put this on her for Halloween! We did Draculaura one year, I did her makeup and she wore a big and everything. πŸ˜€


  5. I love this! I’m thinking of doing Day of the Dead look next Halloween.
    My husband laughs at these little dolls, he thinks they look like “prostitute monster teenagers.” Hahaha. (But you don’t look like a prostitute!)


    • ahahahahaha prostitute monsters lol. Well, I guess the monstering business doesn’t pay much, they have to make a living somehow haha πŸ˜€


  6. Maria you’ve done it again! This makeup is awesome! πŸ˜€ I think you should definitely do a series of the other dolls makeup if it’s as awesome as this!


  7. Pingback: Last Minute Halloween makeup ideas- Monster High Dolls! | Cat Eyes Red Lips·

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