What’s in my date night purse?


Yesterday my lovely Mammu tagged me to do this “What’s in my date night purse” post and I can honestly say to all you ladies this is not a tag, it is a challenge. I am used to wearing big homeless lady bags in wich I can fit everything I need. EVERYTHING.

I also wear huge bags when going out with my loved one, not that I stopped trying to impress him, but a bag is made to be useful.  It should hold all of the things you may need on your date, like a rain coat or deodorant or a spare car tire. You never know!

I knew doing a post with my regular bags wouldn’t be of much help to other girls trying to figure out what to fit first in their tiny purses, so I took out my smallest one and saw what can be packed in.


I felt like it was going to explode any time! You can save a lot of space by taking your cash out of the wallet, I can’t do that as I always lose my money when it’s not in a wallet, I am a true idiot.


Voila, this is all the junk I could fit in!


Pressed Powder + Powder Pad

If you don’t want to have a shiny face later, you better bring your powder with you. A powder pad is made to fit in the powder case and that way you also save space because you don’t have to bring a brush with you.



At some point you’ll need to redo your lips, have the colour you initially put on with you, especially if you plan on having dinner.


Lash Adesive

I wear false eyelashes almost every day, so when going out I must bring my lash glue with me, just in case. Altough this one was very cheap, about 2 euros I think, it is really strong and holds my lashes on all day.


Liquid liner

Sorry for the crappy picture, this is my Kallos liquid liner, my third or fourth one 😀 I really love this eyeliner! I don’t usually retouch my liner, but I keep it with me just in case I feel like taking the falsies off. If I do that I will need to complete the empty spaces my glue peels off haha 😀



A pocket mirror, I love mine because it has 2 sides, one is normal and the other is enlarging. And because it is a pink polka dotted heart ❤



Since I have a little purse to work with and not my usual Hermione’s bag, I keep a small perfume bottle sample in it. You never know when you need the person in the other corner of the restaurant to sense your smell. In my bigger bags I also keep doedorant.


Band aids – in case your shoes get an attitude.


Nail file that we hopefully don’t need. Mine is a glittery pink one 😀


Wet wipes, dry wipes. I usually have an antibacterial gel also.


Pads for our panties, we don’t want any accidents now do we?


Last, but not least, don’t forget your wallet, keys and phone.

I also carry a pack of gum, although I rarely chew gum, so that one is pretty old, I sould probably throw it away…

Tonight I am wearing that emerald maxi dress to dinner 😀 I really like it, but the flash makes is seem aqua blue or somethintg haha.

I’d love to see what all of you lovely ladies picked as your essentials for a date! Kate, Tori, Stephanie, Elsie, Natalie and who else wants to join out challenge, consider yourself tagged! 😀

37 responses to “What’s in my date night purse?

  1. Haha I too always bring quite a big handbag around with me. I always must have a 700ml or so bottle of water in case I become parched! Is that the wallet you use all the time? Omg I love spongebob, but thought I was the only one haha. I shall do my tag soon 😀 finally doing that Christina Aguilera look tomorrow because I have time!


  2. You are seriously ready, pads and all. Spongebob is cool, we were watching him last night! My wife knows too well about the band aids thing. Once in a while her shoes will suddenly try to devour her toes…


      • oh, No!!!!! is this something while dressed up that this too will happen to Kelly ? while wearing Heels lol ok well,,, I too will have to prepare myself & make sure to put band aids in the purse that i will be carrying. oh, the things girls have to do to look pretty!!! I still *Love-it,,, Kelly P.S. U R such a cutie 🙂


      • Yes make sure to have band aids with you in case the shoes hive you blisters! It is a must for the purse, high heels tend to of this to your feet


      • P.S. I also LOVE your nails love how the french nails look!!!! jus luv-it,,


  3. If I don’t have to carry a bag, which is very rare, I don’t 😛 With 2 kids, I basically have no choice but to carry around giant bags, but the second it’s just me & the hubby, or my girlfriends and I, a clutch is the biggest thing I’ll take with me!! If I’ve got pockets on my outfit, forget it, my money’s going in there and I’m holding my phone 😛


    • hehe I don’t even have clutches, maybe 2 or 3 ! 😀 I will get more if I get tired of large bags. And wow, another blogger mommy, I love you guys! You are amazing to be able to do both 😀


  4. hahaha “a spare car tire” 😛 I love my massive bags, i can literally carry my life with me. But i also love my tiny bags even though they are much smaller than yours and barely half of the stuff you have will fit! I have a date (with my bf of course) on friday, so ill be doing mine then! 😉


  5. You’re killing me with all that stuff in the tiny purse! Hahaha… I’ll get my “date purse” together and will put a post up as soon as I can!


  6. I just can’t….you always crack me up! Sponge Bob is the coolest dude on earth, but I just cannot not to imagine your stuffed bag and you searching for something and the the sponge bob wallet falls out….hahhahahha and then the chewing gum “It’s old I should probably throw this away…” 😀 And what on earth would you do with wet wipes? I mean I understand me going out with kids and what if you bring an antibacterial? I know I have wayyyy to much imagination but I imagine you getting on the date, shake your hand with him a kiss on the cheek and then you pull out the antibacterial gel and clean your hands 😀

    Ok enough joking, I’ll try to be serious now! I wouldn’t need a nail file cause my nails are short anyway, yours look absolutely beautiful! I also don’t bring a mirror cause every bathroom has one but I also have one in my higligher packaging. Band aids are definitely a good idea, I was just hoping to jump in the car, then to the restaurant and then to the car again so I didn’t worry about that but otherwise this might be the most important thing ever!!! And your outfit is very pretty and femminine, I love the color of the dress!

    Ok I’ll stop blabbering now 😀


    • Ahaha, I love seeing your name in the comments section, always making me smile 😀 I need all that stuff and much more, I like to be prepared for anything. In my big bags I carry string and sewing needles in case anything rippes off me. 😀 If I had the car option I would put all my cleaning stuff in there and bring just my wallet and powder maybe hmmm


      • Glad to hear that| You’re like Mary Poppins or some ady with everything in your magical purse 😀 In the car you could also keep a first aid kit, a change of clothes and so on 😀


  7. Hahah stop you are too cute! Gotta love that wallet 😉 I will definitely keep this in mind as a post to do soon! You fit so much stuff in that purse…don’t worry I do the same thing though lol


  8. Wow, you were able to fit so much in such a small purse, dang! Lipstick is quite important if you’re wearing it.. a mirror and nail file is always handy, but I always forget it! Also, I adore your dress. How gorgeous 🙂


  9. Loved seeing what you managed to squeeze in your bag!! I think I’ll give this a go lol!


  10. Pingback: July Haul, first one ever | amriaa·

  11. Pingback: ACCESSORIES: MY DATE-NIGHT PURSE | Maiden Aunt Advice·

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