Mint makeup of the day

Hello dolls! How are you today?Image

Me and my mom, well, we love mint. She’s put together an entire minty room to celebrate her love for this colour, and I’ve shopped for some new minty stuff to wear, although some of the old I had I haven’t even gotten a chance to show you guys yet.

I did a little mint and dark blue eye look and had forgotten all about it, or I decided that my smile is too senile to be uploaded on the web hehe. But then I remembered that only my boyfriend and a few friends know about the blog, so it’s ok to post πŸ˜€


I feel it brightens up the face πŸ˜€


I used mint, a little dark blue on halh of the crease and a little white in the inner corner of my eyes! πŸ˜€

Is it too much to go all bright eyed and with an all mint outfit too? I need to put a little nude in there to tone it down πŸ˜€

Layering is the hardest thing ever now that we’re having fourty something degrees o_0 I hate this heat! And to make it all even more lovely, I have some running to do every morning.

What are you lovely ladies up to? And, most important, how are you keeping your foundation on your face and not melting away in the heat? Please share the secret πŸ˜€



60 responses to “Mint makeup of the day

  1. Soon it will be cold again, right? Not sure what latitude your at. Mint is good! It looks good in interior design and many other applications. It looks nice with your skin tone. πŸ™‚


    • Thank you! Unfortunately, it won’t cool down till september I guess or even octomber. I remember last year I went in sandals in november lol.


  2. You look beautiful!

    For foundation, I’ve just taken to not wearing any, haha. Or just a very light dusting of loose powder. I’ve also been using Kiehl’s Blue Herbal Moisturizer (which reduces redness) and Acne Blemish control thingy (that clears up my acne). My skin’s definitely not perfect, but I don’t see foundation as necessary.


    • I feel I really need it but it’s too damn hot even at night sadly πŸ˜€ You have a doll face, of course you don’t need it!


  3. I’m ashamed to say I’ve worn no make up for weeks. It has been so hot here (Cambridge, UK) that it wouldn’t have stood a chance. The last few days have been lovely and not too hot, but I’ve been too lazy to whip out the mascara. How bad is that!


    • Last week I was visiting my parents and I also wore no makeup for 3 days haha πŸ˜€ but now I feel the need to paint myself when meeting people


  4. I really like the mint look. I used to always where mint eyeliner then it ran out and they seemed to stop making my fave one :(. When I was in Spain I just decided to not wear foundation apart from of an evening if we were going out as it was just too hot!


      • I do like the heat but I like to be able to still do stuff without melting! Here in Bristol (UK) our two week summer seems to be over! Had torrential rain earlier and few storms last couple of days!


  5. Hello darling! I was having the problem with my makeup melting off recently so I started wearing a primer and spraying more setting spray than normal. That has helped a little but I still get the melting a little by my nose and above my lip. Maybe I just sweat there too much… my new BB Cream is my saving grace right now. Texas heat is pretty brutal on a girls makeup.

    The mint is looking fantastic. I have a mint watch, shorts, jacket, etc and it cannot be too much mint in my opinion.


  6. I love mint!! But more so for clothes and stuff. I probably have some mint eyeshadow buried somewhere, but I don’t wear it.

    You look great, though! πŸ™‚


  7. You look good in mint! I love the wing liner, it’s bold and fun!
    I love mint, especially during the summer and winter! So, I don’t think you can have too much mint!lol
    xo, Jackie


  8. One of the main reasons I love living in Arizona is the no humidity factor! As a New Yorker, I know exactly what you mean about not being able to keep anything on your face. I love your mint creation, and your smile πŸ˜‰

    XOXO Nensi


  9. When it’s too hot for life (or makeup), I start off my makeup routine by using just a tiny bit of deorant on my forehead and nose. I use a roll-on, so I roll it on my fingertips and just dab it on my face. It helps a bunch! I also use primer, and a lot of powder. Hope this helps!

    Love the look, as always xox


  10. You look so lovely in mint, it looks great with eyes and no it’s not too much! I don’t have any secrets for my foundation…..I just let it melt away πŸ˜€ I’m so angry I can’t find my MUA powder anymore and the packaging is huge, how the hell did I lose it!??? I never even brought it out from the bathroom :S Ok enough blabbering, you look great dear end of story πŸ˜€ xoxo


    • Ah, I know the feeling of just having something in your hands and then poof, it’s gone o_0 I will never understand where they go, there must be a secret entrance to another dimension somewhere


      • Maria I have missed you so much. I have been away for a while but now I am back and the first thing I am gona do is visit your blog πŸ™‚
        I am sure I have missed a lot.


      • Oh my god I can’t believe it! This is also the first time Ive been online for a while! I missed you so much too, can’t wait to post again and to catch up with everyone! Were you on holiday? Hope you had a great time


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